Employee Kiosk Information

Border Paving has 2 systems available for its employees to access.  

The first one is the Pay Stub Access System. 

The second is our Intranet. 

The Pay Stub Access System will send you an email every time you receive a pay stub. The first time this happens you will be asked to set up an account. That email will also include detailed instructions and support options. You will then be able to access your paystubs digitally. The system is also very mobile friendly, meaning it can be easily accessed on mobile devices. 

The Intranet is where we keep important announcements, copies of newsletters, important documents, HR materials, training, upcoming events, and much more. It is only available to BPL employees.  The same day you receive your first paystub notification email, you will recieve an email with instructions on how to access the Intranet. 

For those of you have lost that information or are having issues logging in, please go to:


Once there fill out the form to get help with whatever you need. 

Alternatively, you can email:  portalsupport@borderpaving.com for support as well.  Please include your Full Name, employee code if you know it and what issue your having and if it is with accessing paystubs or the Intranet.